Ideas RainMaker™
How can you help your organization by applying the knowledge you gained through corporate training or any other training for that matter?
We have developed a trademarked concept called the ‘Ideas RainMaker(™) ’ where each participant in the training gives inputs on how the knowledge acquired from a particular training can be implemented in real life.
All the ideas gathered from the participants are then presented for peer review and voted.
Highest voted ideas are then presented to the management and selected for actual implementation to solve a problem within the organization.
This concept can help your organization to stand out from the crowd and achieve multiple ROI

- Hundreds of ideas were gathered after several training programs offered by Big Data Trunk
- Many innovative ideas were presented by the participants
- This concept helped the participants to solve the real world problems from grass root level and helped boost their morale
- Helped the organizations to achieve multiple ROI
Check this case study to learn more about how this concept was applied for a real world problem
Compare the Standard vs Premium ( including Ideas RainMaker ™) offering.