- Overview
- Prerequisites
- Audience
- Curriculum
When surveying users and customers, it is important to ask the right questions to the right people at the right time and to construct the survey so that meaningful results can be obtained, analyzed, and reported. In this class you will learn how to design an effective survey and bring actionable insights to your organization.
Long Description:
Unlock the art of effective survey design in our comprehensive training program. Whether you're seeking customer feedback, conducting employee assessments, or organizing an event, asking the right questions to the right people at the right time is essential. This course delves into the fundamentals of survey science, providing valuable insights into constructing surveys for meaningful results. Learn how to design surveys that yield actionable insights for your organization. Explore best practices and online survey tips to ensure the success of your next survey project. Join us to master the science of surveying and bring valuable insights to your business or projects.
Course Code/Duration:
BDT44 / 1 Day
Learning Objectives:
After this course, you will be able to:
- Why survey?
- How to strategically plan your survey
- Understand the best practices for survey design
- Review collection techniques to get the best response rate
- How to analyze, present and share the findings
- Determine which online tool is best for your survey
- Basic computer operations.
- Beginner/Intermediate online survey creators. Businesses professionals who would like to leverage survey usage for their organization.
Course Outline:
- Formulating the problem or question to be answered
- Determining the research approach
- Setting objectives for information collection
- Choosing a collection method (Qualtrics, Google Forms, or SurveyMonkey)
- Tips for good visual design
- Types of questions/response alternatives
- Pretesting and pilot testing
- Pitfalls to avoid
- Good question test – is it clear, easy answerable, unbiased?
- Collecting responses
- Statistical significance
Qualitative vs. Quantifiable
- Improving response rates and retention
Analysis & Reporting
- Filtering and customizing results
- Sharing results
Training material provided:
Yes (Digital format)