- Overview
- Prerequisites
- Audience
- Curriculum
Gain a comprehensive understanding of Snowflake's architecture, security setup, and best practices with this course. Participants will acquire the skills to configure and deploy a cloud-based Snowflake database, enabling them to harness the full potential of this powerful data platform.
Course Code/Duration:
BDT110 / 3 Days
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the basics of Cloud, Data Warehouse, ETL/ETL, and Data Analytics
- Describe what Snowflake is, and Snowflake editions
- Examine the archtitecture of Snowflake
- Examine Snowflake key features
- Connect to Snowflake and assign roles
- Create database objects in Snowflake
- Ingest structured and unstructured data into Snowflake
- Ingest streaming data using Snowpipe
- Clone database objects
- Share Data using Web UI
- Un-drop databased objects using SQL Commands
- Basic knowledge of Snowflake user interface and execution of snowSQL.
- The target audience for this course is Developers, DBAs, and Architects.
Course Outline:
The course includes presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on labs.
Module 1: Introduction to Cloud and Data Warehouses
- Introduction to Cloud
- Why Cloud?
- Cloud Providers
- SaaS, Paas, Iaas
- What is a Data Warehouse
- Why Data Warehouse
- Data Warehouse Basic
Module 2: Data Integration and Analytics
- Batching vs. Streaming
- Data Analytics & Visualizations
- On-Prem Vs. Cloud
Module 3: Introduction to Snowflake
- What is Snowflake
- SnowflakeHistory
- Datawarehouse as a Service
- Supported Cloud platforms & Regions
Module 4: Snowflake UI
- Query Pane
- Result Pane
- Object Navigation Pane
- Different Tabs
- Lab: Examine Snowflake UI
Module 5: Snowflake Architecture
- Introduction to Snowslake Architecture
- 3 Tier Architecture
- Data Storage
- Query Processing
- Cloud Services
Module 6: Snowflake Feature
- Security & Data Protection
- Standard & Extended SQL
- Tools & Interfaces
- Connectivity
- Data Import & Export
- Data Sharing
- Database Replication & Failover
- Continuous Data Protection
Module 7: Connecting to Snowflake and Assigning Roles
- Connecting to Snowflake
- Snowflake Roles
- Snowflake Editions
Module 8: Creating Database Objects
- Create Database objects
- Stage Files
- Lab: Create Objects in Snowflake
Module 9Structure Data Ingestion
- Structured Data Ingestion
- Data Staging
- Bulk load from Cloud Storage
- Bulk load from Local Storage
- Query Data
- Lab: Data Ingestion
Module 10: Unstructured Data Ingestion
- Unstructured Data Ingestion
- JSON Ingestion
- Query Data
- Lab: Data Ingestion
Module 11: Stream Data Ingestion
- Introduction to Snowpipe
- How to Create Pipe
- How to Load Streaming Data
- How Query Data
- Lab: Ingesting Streaming Data
Module 12: Clone Database Objects
- Zero Copy Cloning
- How to Clone a Database
- How to Clone a Schema
- How Clone Tables and Views
- Lab: Cloning a Database
Module 13: Data Sharing
- What is Data Share
- Data Providers
- Data Consumers
- Share with Snowflake users
- Using Wed UI to Share
- Lab:Share Dara with Snowflake and Non-Snowflake
Module 14: Un-drop Database Objects
- Un-drop Database Objects
- SQL Commands
- Lab:Undrop Database Objects
Training material provided:
Yes (Digital format)
The curriculum is empty