- Overview
- Prerequisite
- Audience
- Curriculum
Java’s motto is write once, run anywhere; code that runs on one platform need not be recompiled for a different platform. Older code runs on the most JVMs with the speed advantage of the latest profiling, native code translating, and memory management.
Long Description:
Unleash your Java programming potential with our comprehensive course. Java, a versatile, concurrent, and class-based language, is known for its platform independence. This training dives deep into Java's syntax, data structures, essential classes, and programming techniques. Designed as an interactive lab, you'll gain hands-on experience through instructor-led exercises and real-world examples, ensuring a strong grasp of each topic. Master the art of Java in a dynamic learning environment, suitable for beginners and those looking to enhance their programming skills.
Course Code/Duration:
BDT18 / 2 Days
Learning Objectives:
Comprehensive Java Understanding: Gain a thorough understanding of Java, covering its syntax, data structures, and essential classes, equipping you to develop Java applications confidently.
- Platform Independence Mastery: Learn how to write Java code that is portable across different platforms, ensuring your Java programs can run on a variety of systems.
- Practical Experience: Develop your Java skills through hands-on exercises and instructor-led examples, enabling you to apply your knowledge effectively in real-world programming scenarios.
- No previous programming or Java background is required.
- Developers who want to move into the Java and QA professionals.
Course Outline:
- Hello World program in Java
- Command-line compile using javac
- Command-line deployment using jar
Basic Syntax
- Structure of program
- Comments
- Statements
- Assignments
- Calling methods on objects
- Calling methods on classes
Primitive Data Types
- Println statement
- Variables, types, assignment
- Numeric types: integer, floating-point
- Integer literals
- Floating-point literals
- Numeric operators: + / * %
- Assignment operators, increment/decrement operators
- Relational operators: < > <= >= == !=
- Boolean type
- Boolean operators: && || !
- Character literals
- String literals
- Escaped characters: \n \t \\ \” \’
- String operators: + +=
- Accessing string characters
- String comparison and equalitya
Control Structures
- If, If-Else
- Ternary operator: a ? b : c
- While, Do-While, For
Arrays and Collections
- Array literals
- Manipulating array elements
Training material provided:
Yes (Digital format)