AI/ML Byte-Sized Series: Machine Learning Introduction
Duration: 90 Minutes Code: BDT115 Category:A short session indented to understand machine learning, what is involved in doing machine learning development. This session is an initial step to getting started with machine learning development using python.
Byte-Sized ML Basic Series: Unsupervised Learning
Duration: 90 Minutes Code: BDT114 Category:I Cluster analysis is a vital component of unsupervised learning and data science.
AI Byte-Sized Series: Linear Regression Model
Duration: 90 Minutes Code: BDT77 Category:A short session indented to get started with apply linear regression algorithm to build a machine learning model.
AI Byte-Sized Series: Machine Learning Model Deployment
Duration: 90 Minutes Code: BDT76 Category:A short session indented to explore different tools involved to deploy machine learning models.
AI/ML Byte-Sized Series: Machine Learning Model Optimization
Duration: 90 Minutes Code: BDT104 Category:A short session indented to get started with techniques to optimize machine learning model performance.