- Overview
- Prerequisites
- Audience
- Curriculum
Python, a highly sought-after and beginner-friendly programming language, boasts a thriving and ever-expanding community. Whether you're transitioning into a tech career or exploring the coding realm, Python is your ideal starting point. Its ease of learning and remarkable versatility make it a staple in diverse fields, including data science, machine learning, and game design. Python's wide-ranging applications extend to data engineering, data analytics, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing. With Python skills in your toolkit, you'll be in high demand, as major companies rely on it for innovative solutions. This versatile language is suitable for both simple and complex tasks, spanning various industries such as data science, software engineering, mobile app development, and AI. Plus, Python's interpreted nature enables real-time code testing, ensuring a smooth learning journey. Start your Python journey today and embrace a world of possibilities.
Course Code/Duration:
BDT187 / 3 Days
Learning Objectives:
After this course, you will be able to:
- Basis understanding of Python.
- Hands on Environment setup – Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook
- Python Tools and Utilities
- Many important Python features with all required basic syntax
- Different Variable Types in Python.
- Many important Python Operations.
- How to write conditional code and different type of loop concept.
- Python – Different Numbers, String, List Operations.
- Different Data Structure like List, Dictionary, Tuple
- How to write Function and Modules, File Operations
- How to debug code in Python and deploying Python Applications.
- Basic programming knowledge.
- Anyone having basic logical and analytical skills in any programming language.
Course Outline:
Environment setup
- Anaconda 3
- Ipython Notebook
1. Introduction to Python Training
- Useful Python Resources
- Python Tools and Utilities
- Python Features
2. Python Environment
- Local Environment Setup
- Downloads and Installations
- Setting up Environment Path
3. Executing Python
- Interactive Mode
- Scripting Mode
- Integrated Development Environment
4. Python Basic Syntax
- Python Identifiers
- Reserved Words
- Lines and Indentation
5. Python Variable Types
- Assigning Values to Variables
- Multiple Assignment
- Standard Data Types
- Data Type Conversion
6. Python Basic Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Logical Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
- Operators Precedence
7. Python Decision Making
- IF statements
- ..ELIF…ELSE Statements
- Nested IF statements
8. Python Loops
- While loop
- For loop
- Nested loop
- Break control statement
- Continue statement
- Pass statement
9. Python Numbers
- Number type conversion
- Mathematical function
- Random number function
- Trigonometric function
10. Python Strings
- String special operators
- String formatting operator
- Built in string methods
11. Python Lists
- Basic list operations
- Indexing and slicing
- Built in functions and methods
12. Python Tuples
- Basic tuple operations
- Indexing and slicing
- Built in functions
13. Python Dictionary
- Basic Dictionary operations
- Built in Functions and Methods
- Use cases
14. Python Functions
- Pass by reference and value
- Function Arguments
- Scope of variables
- Default Argument Values
- Keyword Arguments
- Arbitrary Argument Lists
- Unpacking Argument Lists
- Lambda Expressions
- Documentation Strings
15. Python Modules
- Importing Modules
- Namespaces and scoping
- Packages
16. Python Files I/O
- Writing and Reading Binary Data
- Writing and Parsing Text Files
- Parsing Text Using Regular Expressions
- Writing and Parsing XML Files
- Writing and Parsing JSON Files
- Element Trees
- DOM (Document Object Model)
17. Python Exceptions
- The except clause with multiple exceptions
- The try-finally clause
- Argument of an Exception
- Raising an exceptions
- User-Defined Exceptions
18. Python Classes and Objects
- Creating Classes
- Creating instance objects
- Destroying Objects (Garbage Collection)
- Custom Classes
- Attributes and Methods
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Using Properties to Control Attribute Access
19. Functional Programming
- Lambda
- Filter
- Map
- Functools
20. Iterators and Generators
- Itertools
- Generators
- Decorators
21. Collections
22. Essential packages
- os
- sys
- Shutil
- psutil
- subprocess
23. Debugging, Testing
- Pdb
- breakpoints
24. Networking
- Creating a TCP Client
- Creating a TCP Server
25. Database Access
- Sqlite databases
- MySQL databases
26. Web Scraping using Beautiful Soup
- Requests – get,post
- BeautifulSoup – findall,find,findparent
27. Regular Expressions
- Characters and Character Classes
- Quantifiers
- Grouping and Capturing
- Assertions and Flags
- The Regular Expression Module
28. Deploying Python Applications
- Pip
- Virtualenv
- Relocatable virtual environments
- The init.py files
- The setup.py file
- Installing the package
- Software deployment in Python
Doubt Clearing / Queries session
Training material provided:
Yes (Digital format)