- Overview
- Prerequisite
- Audience
- Curriculum
Dive into the world of Spring, a robust and ever-expanding application framework and inversion-of-control (IOC) container for Java. Ideal for both enterprise and web application development, its core features are accessible to any Java application. Explore Spring Boot, an open-source, Java-based framework that simplifies microservice development with minimal code. Build Java-based programs that 'just run,' autonomously resolving dependencies and creating containers for code execution in any environment. This comprehensive guide will take you from a beginner to an accomplished Spring Developer, covering essential concepts like Spring Annotations (@Autowired, @Component, @Service, @Repository, @Configuration, @Primary) and providing in-depth understanding of Spring MVC, Dispatcher Servlet, Model, Controllers, and View Resolver. Additionally, learn to create a Spring Boot application from scratch, grasp crucial terminology, and gain practical experience with real-time projects. Harness the knowledge to create REST APIs, make various API calls, and establish connections between diverse microservices. Elevate your skills in Spring the modern way, just as real projects use it."
Course Code/Duration:
BDT186 / 5 Days
Learning Objectives:
After this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the basic importance of Spring Framework.
- How to solve major and most common java coding problems.
- What is Dependency Injection.
- Spring Bean Life Cycle.
- Different kinds of Scopes and Auto Wiring among objects.
- How easily achieve Inheritance property in Spring Framework.
- What is Aspect Oriented Programming – Why and how to implements.
- AOP Concepts like Aspects, Targets, Advice, Join Points, Point cut.
- MVC Concept and their use case and implementation.
- Spring Object Relation Mapping – ORM.
- How to integrate your code with Hibernate, JPA, CRUD operations.
- How easily create Micro Service with Spring Boot.
- Microservice with Spring Cloud – Eureka Server, Eureka Client
- Client-side Load Balancing – Ribbon
- Gateway implementation using ZUUL.
- Understand the Circuit Breaker and implementation using Hystrix.
- How to test your microservices
- Securing Spring Application.
- Basic Java Programming.
- Both novice and professional java developers, who wants to develop enterprise level application in easy and efficient way.
Course Outline:
1. Spring Core
- Spring Configuration: XML/ Annotations/ Programmatic
- Bean Factory, Application Context
- Bean Life Cycle
- Scope, Auto wiring
- Inheritance
2. Spring AOP
- Aspects
- Target
- Advise
- Join Points
- Point cut
3. strong>Spring MVC
1. Dispatcher Servlet
2.Special Bean Types
- Handler Mapping
- View resolvers
- Web MVC Config
- Locale
3.Annotated Controllers
- Request Mapping
- Handler Methods
- Model
- DataBinder
- Exceptions
4. Spring ORM
- Introduction to ORM
- Configuring XML files
- Using the Template API
- How to Integrate with Hibernate
- How to Integrate with JPA
- Injecting the DAO and Template
- Performing Operations on Database
- Usage of
- @Repository
- @Service
- Using with Spring MVC
- Using with Spring Core
5. Spring with RESTful Web Service
- Introduction to RESTful web service
2.Spring REST (A mini project)
- @RestController
- Producing different types of messages
- Extracting the Path
- Extracting Form parameter
6. Spring Boot
1. What, Why and How – Spring Boot
- Structuring your application
- Locating main application file
- Typical Layout
- Configuration Classes
- Annotations
- Starter dependencies
- Command line runner
- Microservices architecture with Spring Boot
- Maven configurations for dependencies
- Advantages of Spring Boot
- @SpringBootApplication
- Scanning the classes
- Implementing Spring Core features
- @Bean
- @Value
- Implementing Spring MVC features
- @RequestMapping
- Prefix and Suffix configurations
- WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
- Implementing Spring ORM features
- Configuring datasource in application.properties b. Injecting Session Factory
- Implementing Spring RESTful features
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping
7. Microservices With Spring Cloud
- Creating Microservices
- Configuration
- Service Discovery -Eureka Server
- Create Client services – Eureka Client
- External Config Server
- Declarative REST client: REST Template / Feign Client
- Services internal communication
- Client-side Load-balancing – Ribbon
- Gateway – Zuul
- Authentication
- Spring Security
- Circuit Breaker – Hystrix
8. Testing Microservices
- Security System for Spring
- Authentication
- Access Control
- Web Application Security
- Method Invocation Security
- Testing microservices
- Unit Testing
- Functional Testing
- API Testing
- Using Postman
9. Securing Spring Application
- Security System for Spring
- Authentication
- Access Control
- Web Application Security
- Method Invocation Security
Training material provided:
Yes (Digital format)